The Eastern Red Cedar
As the name suggests, the eastern red cedar can be located throughout the eastern U.S. Eastern red cedars are evergreens of a medium size that quickly supplies natural protection that many small animals and birds can use to escape from the winter months.
There’s a lot to love about the eastern red cedar tree. Luckily for you, we’ve gathered all of the essential facts about them that you can benefit from.
Important Facts to Know
The eastern red cedar tree, Juniperus virginiana, is known by several other names, including Virginia red cedar, cedar apple, savin evergreen, and the juniper. The shape of the eastern red cedar resembles a pyramid with brown bark with a red tinge. The leaves of the eastern red cedar are “needles” that are green with a blue tinge. The male and female cones grow on individual red cedars.
The female eastern red cedar branches consist of tiny balls that are blue in nature. These balls are considered to be the fruit that contains seeds that birds eventually scatter.
The male eastern red cedar includes hundreds of brown pine cones. These pine cones are what contain the pollen for the seeds. As winter ends, the pine cones release their pollen to find their way to the seeds. After the red cedar pollination process is completed, they will flower again once spring arrives.
Eastern red cedars are also an excellent ornamental tree that many cemeteries integrate into their landscape.
The wood from the eastern red cedar gets utilized in many things, including novelties, furniture, fencing, and paneling. The eastern cedar is also a complete food source for both large mammals and birds. Mammals are known to munch on the branches while birds such as the sparrow, waxwings, and juncos enjoy the juicy berries that the eastern red cedar produces.
Growing the Eastern Red Cedar
When planning to grow your eastern red cedar, the saplings necessary are obtainable through your local nursery. If your area is densely populated with the trees, you could dig up a seedling that has begun to grow and transplant it in your yard.
Another option to grow your red cedar tree is by using trimmings off of another red cedar.
Using a trimming is best if done during the tree’s dormancy, which occurs in spring, fall, or winter. This will also be the season when the flow of sap has been reduced. For best results, obtain the trimmings during early morning hours.
Ensure that the trimming you obtain is at least 3 inches of flexible new growth. Once you identify the perfect trimming, cut it at an angle of 45 degrees. Then remove the bottom needles and use a wet wrap to keep the trimming moist and ice before planting. However, for best results, the trimming needs to be planted at least an hour after being trimmed.
Eastern Red Cedar Tree for sale online at Perennial Nursery.
For planting, make sure to have a medium-sized pot and fill it using a soilless mixture. Then stick the end of the trimming into the hormone for rooting and place it into the potting mixture. Make sure the potting mix is firmly packed. Then use a plastic bag around the pot and keep it tied shut. Place the potted trimming in a bright area but not directly in the sun. Provide misting every day and ensure to keep the bag closed once misting is complete. After a month, give the potted trimming a pull to check resistance. You’ll know rooting has been successful if the trimming resists.