Evergreen Plants


  • Thuidium delicatulum

    Thuidium Delicatulum

    Thuidium Delicatulum - Common Fern Moss  Common Fern Moss: Thuidium delicatulum - 5 Square Feet The Thuidium Delicatulum, or Common Fern Moss, is often found in hillsides, wooded areas, near streams, swamps, and even on cliffs and rock formations...

  • Carpet Moss - 5 Square Feet

    Carpet Moss - 5 Square Feet

    Carpet Moss  Carpet moss, 5 Square feet, as its name suggests, is an evergreen plant that carpets the ground. It darkens in color from a golden tone to a forest green hue as it ages. It is almost like nature's velvet carpet, due to short growth...

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