Shade Trees
Shade trees are typically huge trees that primarily function to provide a wide coverage from the heat and sun. Such trees are especially valuable during the hot summer months. Many different species of shade trees exist, but all of them can potentially shield individuals from the frequently harmful effects of too much exposure to sunlight. This protection is especially essential as summers across the world continue to get hotter and hotter, as they have done over the past few years and will likely continue to do in the future.
In addition to the benefits of reducing contact with sunlight, shade trees can add significant beauty to any landscape. Given that many of these trees are quite large and take up a lot of space on their own, they can provide these benefits without a disproportionately large amount of work and maintenance. These trees come in many different sizes and colors, so buyers have a great deal of freedom to determine exactly what kind of shade tree is the right choice.
Shade trees should be planted in sunny locations both so that they can thrive and so that they can provide optimal cover from the sun.
The roots of shade trees should be soaked in water for an hour or two before they are planted to prevent them from drying out. Shade trees should then be planted in loosened soil. Beyond these basic instructions, caring for shade trees will require attention to each species' needs for success.
Some examples of currently available shade trees include the following:
Red maples: Red maples are a fast-growing variety of oak tree that can provide copious cover from the sun. In addition to providing some beautiful and bright color to any landscape, red maples can grow up to five feet per year, so investment in this type of tree will pay off quickly for anyone looking to grow a shade tree as fast as possible.
Tulip Poplars: Poplar trees can grow at an extremely rapid pace of up to eight feet per year, which is far more quickly than most other varieties of shade trees. There are many different types of poplar trees, so anyone looking to invest in this type of shade tree should browse around, but the tulip poplar variety may be especially beneficial. Tulip poplars frequently live up to 200 years, so investing in one of these trees can pay off for several generations. They can also grow to as high as 90 feet tall.
In addition to red maples and tulip poplars, many other types of fast-growing shade trees are well worth investment. Different types of trees thrive in different environments, so not all species will necessarily be available everywhere in the world. Still, the general benefits of shade trees can come from any particular species. For anyone looking to add some cover from the sun to their landscape, a shade tree is a perfect purchase.