Solomon's Seal

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Year Round
Spring, Summer, Fall
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Sun & Shade
Perennials, Natives
Year Round
Spring, Summer, Fall
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Sun & Shade
Perennials, Natives

Solomon's Seal 

 Solomon's Seal is commonly planted around businesses or homes. It has an average blooming time which is from April through July. The blooms are in large clusters. The flowers are white. The Solomon seal looks similar to a fern. This plant is known to be a significant pollinator for butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. The perennial plant is full is nectar. Full sun is a favorite, but shade can be tolerated. It can grow in many soil types but prefers well-drained, moist soil the best. It can become in the range of two to three feet. It has a botanical name of Polygonatum Biflorum.

Solomon's Seal is used to help in soil erosion. Natural areas and flower gardens thrive on it. Many often mistake it as a fern, but it is, in fact, a perennial. They are found on the eastern coast. In the right growing conditions, they can create colonies and can grow in large bunches.

Solomon's Seal, sometimes called Saint Mary's Seal, is a potent perennial therapeutic plant with many uses for combating inflammation and irritation.

Planting This plant is unique, easy to grow, and it is common for the plant to thrive and spread. This perennial herb is a shade-loving plant. While it is optimal to transfer the roots during Autumn, it is possible to transplant the roots any time of the year. The root structure can be divided to spread out the grow space. It is essential to break up the soil and loosen it thoroughly, and it is optimal to mix some manure or fertilizer into the fluffed and broken up soil. So long as t has room to spread out and isn't in heavy competition with other plants, it will thrive easily without too much maintenance.

Solomon's Seal for sale online at Perennial Nursery

Solomon's Seal ships bare root rhizome.

Climate Zone: 3 to 8.

Mature Height: 2 - 3 feet.

Sunlight: Prefers Full Sun.

Blooming Season: April to June.

Soil Conditions: Moist, Well-drained.

Botanical Name: Polygonatum biflorum.


1. How fast does Solomon's seal spread?

A: Solomon's seal (Polygonatum spp.), a perennial plant known for its graceful arching stems and dangling bell-shaped flowers, can spread steadily but not aggressively under favorable conditions.

2. What is another name for Solomon's seal?

A: Polygonatum

  • 5
    solomon seal

    Posted by solomon seal on 13th Mar 2023

    My soloman seal arrived packaged neatly and included planting instructions

  • 5
    A little more drying

    Posted by Patrick Barton on 19th May 2021

    The tubers came in a timely fashion. I ordered five and got six, although one was a little moldy and mushy. The rest were fine. Maybe a little more drying time would help.