White Perennials

  • Pachysandra`

    Pachysandra Procumbens

    Pachysandra Procumbens The Pachysandra is a relatively low-maintenance plant that will help provide ground cover when used for landscaping. It can grow rather quickly, but you may need to monitor its growth. Pruning is essential to keep the plant...

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  • Buy Dutchman's Breeches online

    Dutchman's Breeches

    Dutchman’s Breeches   Dutchman’s Breeches are also known as Dicentra Cucullaria. They grow on the eastern coast of the United States. They are versatile because they can grow in places where other plants cannot. Most perennials...

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  • Blood Root plants for sale online


    Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis, also known as bloodroot, bloodwort, and redroot, is a herbaceous plant named for the bright orange sap that gives the plant’s roots their bloody appearance. Growing 8 to 20 inches tall, this perennial sprouts from...

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  • Goldenseal plant for sale


    Goldenseal  Goldenseal is a beautiful wildflower and can be used as a ground cover. It grows well in fully shaded places or a little shade. It will grow up to 18 inches high and about six inches wide. It is also known as Hydrastis Canadensis, who...

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  • Buy great white trillium online

    Great White Trillium

    Great White Trillium - Trillium Grandiflorum Great White Trilliums may have the name high white, but once the flower blooms and the plant is used for pollination, the flower will start turning pink. The flower is so beautiful that it can also be called...

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  • White Violets for sale

    White Violet

    White Violet White Violets are excellent plants for the natural area. They do require a little bit more care than other perennials, and the conditions need to be good for them to thrive and grow into beautiful flowering plants. White Violets can grow to...

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  • May Apple are perennial flowers reaching 2 feet tall.


    Mayapple  Mayapple plants are beautiful and will add a unique touch and look to a garden or natural area. The May Apple can grow to be anywhere from 1 foot to 18 inches tall, and they can also spread to cover an area of around 1 foot wide. This...

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  • buy Soloman's Seal  blooms online

    Solomon's Seal

    Solomon's Seal   Solomon's Seal is commonly planted around businesses or homes. It has an average blooming time which is from April through July. The blooms are in large clusters. The flowers are white. The Solomon seal looks similar to a...

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  • buy affordable Foam Flower

    Foam Flower

    Foam Flower   Foam Flowers are beautiful when they are in bloom. These are great flowering plants and will look amazing when they are in bloom. This flower is a native flower of Nova Scotia and is also found growing a lot in the Eastern United...

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  • White Baneberry plants for sale

    White Baneberry

    White Baneberry - Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry is a herbaceous plant that does belong to the buttercup family and can be used as medicinal plants. It comes from the eastern part of North America. The herbaceous plant can be found in mixed...

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  • Doll Eye blooming

    Doll Eye

    Doll Eye - Actaea pachypoda  The Doll Eye plant is a very unusual plant when it is in bloom. This plant will appear to have little eyeballs for the flowers. It will be amazing when several of these plants are in bloom at one time. It can grow...

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  • Rue Anomone flower for sale

    Rue Anemone

    RUE ANEMONE  Rue anemone is also known as Thalictrum thalictroides. It is considered part of the buttercup family. This flower is native to Illinois but can be found in most states throughout the United States. They will grow best when planted...

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